Monday, November 29, 2010

My Favourite Vacation

           When I was in middle school, I went to Yun Nan province with my parents. It was my favourite vacation, and my first time took the airplane. I was so excited about this trip before we got the place. First, we went to the airport, and then two hours later, we arrived at Kunming city. For the beautiful city, the air is very fresh; it did not smell as in the city. There were many famous places, although lots of visitors at here, we still interested in the tourist guide’s explanation. During the time, we took pictures, talked about the beautiful city, and had fun together. After Kunming, we took a train to Dali city. “Butterfly Spring”, which was my favourite place in the trip; there were lots of tall trees, and they all had green leaves. I saw the spring in the middle of this place, however, I didn’t see the butterflies around it. That was the only disappoint I had in the trip. Then my parents and I climbed a mountain called “Jade Dragon Snow Mountain”, which was 5596 metres high, so we prepared the oxygen bag when we reached the top of the mountain. During this trip, I saw much amazing sceneries and ate lots of delicious foods; I felt very happy. I’d love to have chance to travel this place again, for it gives me lots of good memories.

Life in Canada!

        Life in Canada has seen three main changes after I arrived here about one year. First of all, I could live by myself very well. It was the first time that I lived alone as such a long time. There were no parents' care, neighbours ' help, and no familiar environment, so in the beginning, I didn't think I can live very well. However, after I arrived here and began the new life by myself; everything not as hard as my imagined. The most important thing for me, I found that I have the talent in cooking.
 Expect cooking, I also can do lots of things that I never did before. Secondly, now I could speak English better than before. At first, I was really shy that I cannot say anything in English, even if in the class. Nevertheless, I was encouraged by my teachers, and I found that nature speakers are friendly to teach me to speak English. Now, I could go to supermarket by myself and order anything I want in the restaurant. Finally, I broadened my horizon. Canada is a famous immigrant country, so that there are many different raced people. We talked about our own countries and shared the cultures for each other. They had special customs and dress styles; they can be very harmonious life together. The life in Canada changed me much, but I loved the new style and I had adjusted it.

Five Mysteries for Me~

        Now, I was still learning English and adjusting the cultures in Canada. I found a mystery for me when I talked with them, the people did not want to tell me about their age. Somebody told me that was a rude way to ask people in a conversation; people usually talk about the weather. For me, tell others my age is not a secret and we are interested in talking about the constellation.
Another mystery is also about conversation, although foreigner liked to ask how are you, they not really ask people’s health. The only way they did because they want to show nice for others and it is easy to start talking. I felt confused and little embarrassed when I heard it in the beginning. However, I had adjust to use it instead of hello. Third, Canadian liked to eat fresh food. I had no idea when my homestay father prepare fresh mushroom for me. I really like mushroom but I could eat it before cooked. In addition to, they like cold food, for example, sandwich, salad, and milk. I tried before, obviously, I gave it up. Except salad, everything I needed to cook it before I eat it. Next, we usually like to prepare surprise for friends, such as visit friends’ homes before give a notice. However, people usually give the person who they are going to meet a notice. Then the person can arrange his schedule and wait his friends at home. The encounter for them is not a scare more than a surprise. The last special situation for me is people did not send money in festival. They thought it is impolite to send money; it looked like people do not care about what they send as a gift, it was only a task. People usually go to market to choose the present by themselves; they spend time and thought in the gift. What they want to convey was the love. There were five mysteries for me that was quiet different and seemed unusual in my society.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Education System in Canada

       I have been Canada for almost one year, I saw many interesting things and felt the canadian culture. there are many different from I did in China. The deeply different for me; I think is the education system . Basically, the teaching system takes me a few time to adapt. When I studied in China, I had big classes, and there are lots of people studied together; so it was easy to communicate. For Cananda, we have small classes and less students; sometime, the class is too quite. But, I am enjoyed to discuss in small group now; we can explan our ideas freedom. Secondly, the study time makes me lazy.When I was in high school, I always stayed in school all day, and I spent much time in studying. But now I just have two classes per day, I always waste time in my free time. I need to control myself and pay more attention to my course. Thirdly, there are different ways to choose classes makes me can’t adapt. In China, I had the fixed time and the fixed curriculum. I don’t need to choose. However, I have to choose course and time by myself here, it is hard for me. In conclusion, the different education system is the first feeling for me when I came to Canada. I think I like my life at here and I have adjusted it now.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Welcome to my blog " Bobo's Gardon". Haha~~^.^
 My name is Bobo, a happy girl.
Do you want to know more about me?
 Xu~~ I will tell you my secrets.
My biggest hobbit is watch movie, I am so so so crazy about it.
 I remember when I was in primary school, my parents in order to stop my hobbit.

They always take the remote control away or hide it, before they leave home.
 Then I will despair to do my homework.
 My favorite kind of movie is comedy & romantic, for it’s easy to understand.
 I don’t need to spend much attention.
 I like to introduce food for others, especially dessert.  
Dessert is so amazing, but it make me get weight. ( i love it and hate it)
I like colorful things, especially, bright yellow( like lemon's)
if a good has a good color I will can't control myshel.
so my wallet will get sad~
I think young people should wear colorful cloth.
Don't tell others your favourite color is black or white.
That's so boring, they will make your world dim.

my favourite animal is dog! wang~ wang~
it so cute and royal.
i think dog is the only animal can undetstand want human are thinking.
they are human's best friend.
I took the picture from a magzine. he is so nice, right?
 Do you remember? Movie, dessert, yellow, dog all my favorites.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I like to hang out with friends;
but actually,
I don’t have many friends.
I defend my friends for three types:
general friends, “play” friends, and “heart” friends.
For the first category general friends we only say hello and some greeting words when we meet in public places.
We don’t know each other much,
but we may be met or talk before.
I think for this kind of friends,
in major of reasons, it is polite;
also it is a main process to get more “heart” friends.
Sometimes I feel embarrassed,
because we don’t know to say what to each other then everything become quiet,
very very quiet.
nice Fiona & Tina, good friends~yeah!
I get lots of fun with the “play” friends who are always play together,
but we don’t talk much about ourselves and secretes.
Although we often have date together, g
o shopping, eat meals, do sports.
I can feel relax and enjoy the happy time;
when I have troubles, the first choice is my “heart” friends.
humour girl: Echo
The “heart” friends are who really understand me know my heart.

They give me supporting and caring,
so we can share everything together.
And I like to make jokes on them,
for I know, they never angry to me.
The time we spend together may less than the “play” friends,
 but we have constant relationship.
We will be friends forever!~~~
my bbbbbbbest friend~

my lovely roomate & good friends~ she is really good at eating!

come,come, my internet!

it should be a nice thing
my friend and i moved to a new place
we prepared everything before we move
what a terrible thing
our internet didn't work
today is the third day
we can't live without you
oh, my internet!