Monday, November 29, 2010

Life in Canada!

        Life in Canada has seen three main changes after I arrived here about one year. First of all, I could live by myself very well. It was the first time that I lived alone as such a long time. There were no parents' care, neighbours ' help, and no familiar environment, so in the beginning, I didn't think I can live very well. However, after I arrived here and began the new life by myself; everything not as hard as my imagined. The most important thing for me, I found that I have the talent in cooking.
 Expect cooking, I also can do lots of things that I never did before. Secondly, now I could speak English better than before. At first, I was really shy that I cannot say anything in English, even if in the class. Nevertheless, I was encouraged by my teachers, and I found that nature speakers are friendly to teach me to speak English. Now, I could go to supermarket by myself and order anything I want in the restaurant. Finally, I broadened my horizon. Canada is a famous immigrant country, so that there are many different raced people. We talked about our own countries and shared the cultures for each other. They had special customs and dress styles; they can be very harmonious life together. The life in Canada changed me much, but I loved the new style and I had adjusted it.

1 comment:

  1. I think living alone makes everybody get more mature than before including me.
    When I live with my parents, I do not have to do anything. But now everything is different.
